By the God or Witout a God

He says - Well exactly we know nothing we can only theorize, but the one thing we do know is we're insignificent tiny specks who'll be here for an insignificant brief flash of time. Our energy will go on to be reused by the cosmos in some way, but I think humans are guilty of ego in inflating our importance to the best damn shit in the universe made in God's very own image.

Answer - Tere isn't strong evidence saying that it's unlikely there is a god.. people can't prove there is a god.. people can't prove that there isn't ,, its silly that people argue about such things.. and not just have fun imagining what its all about .. it is fun .

Answer 2 - there's no strong evidence that magic fluffy pink unicorns don't exist either. In fact, there's no strong evidence that anything that almost certainly doesn't exist, doesn't exist.