Try doing a good dead or act of love or just making a friend or stranger smile

We're bombarded with too much sensationalized, morbid negativity in the media about violent crime, rape, paedos etc that it's depressing, amplifies threats to out of proportion levels, makes people overly paranoid, defensive, scared to leave home and gives people a fight or flight attitude where they're on edge and ready to kick off over the slightest thing. There are beautiful things out in the world we should be concentrating on and trying to make the world a better place. I know I watch grim horror but that's fiction. There's still good people out there. Everyone on my friend list are good people, some kinda cunts too lol, but even the cunts are pretty harmless and just don't know any better, deep down they're alright or I would have deleted by now. Anyway I'm rambling. It's nice to see a bit of positive about the human race for once. I know the state of humanity can be depressing and vile sometimes but is it any wonder when bombarded with so much negativity, brainwashing and fear mongering? Rise above it and love each other. Try doing a good dead or act of love or just making a friend or stranger smile.

I wish we could all make a difference. It is not a matter of possibility, it s a matter of choice.

People just love to focus on the negative, I know it's easier said then done, but all they need to do is look around them and open their eyes to how good they have things!

Just so you know you are actually one of my most valued Facebook friends! If you were ever to delete me I'd be gutted. Even my boyfriend knows your name and when we are thinking of watching a movie he has even started to ask me if that Noel guy has done review of it! Thanks for having me on your list